what if you could find an incredible coworking space

with an on-site childcare program

and a real community of good people?

Land of the Good is a private coworking community that offers on-site childcare and a supportive village environment for working families. We are located on 6+ stunning acres of land in the historic village of Freestone, CA in beautiful Sonoma County, about an hour north of San Francisco.

Coworking Space

Our commercial office space features unique and vibrant interior design to promote inspiration and focus. Help yourself to unlimited tea and coffee. Our high-speed business internet has Wi-Fi coverage extending to our outdoor garden patio, making it the perfect workspace for sunny days.

On-Site Childcare

Members can book scheduled or drop-in childcare with experienced infant and toddler teachers. Parents are welcome to breastfeed, play, eat, or interact with children however they wish throughout the work day. The developmental program is engaging and fosters a loving connection to self, parents, community, and the earth.


We offer enriching classes and fun community events each month, ranging from craft circle to meditation class to small business strategies. All members are welcome to work in the community garden and sit down for meals with the children and other parents at lunchtime.

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News & Updates:

Last week, I was underwater with work, my husband was away on a business trip, and I had no idea what to do with my four-year-old son who needs a lot of focused attention. We have no local family and none of our babysitters are available during the day.

Stressed turned to panic and then I remembered that Shivani had created a space for times like these. We showed up and dropped in and it was truly the most beautifully productive work time I've had in ages. My son is a pandemic baby who still gets separation anxiety and it was such a blessing to be able to take hourly "smooch breaks" with him.

The land and buildings are gorgeous and I could feel our nervous systems relaxing and co-regulating from the moment we arrived. I signed us up for a membership on the spot. It's such a gift to our community!

Children are the future of every community;
parents are their roots.
Taking care of parents is essential to our future.

We bring resources, connection, & joy back to the modern-day parenting experience.