
I keep hearing it takes a village to raise a child.
Do they just show up? Or is there like, a number to call?

Remote work can be isolating. Raising a child in our modern world can be isolating. Trying to do both is… challenging, at best.

We were not designed to have to handle absolutely everything, all the time, all by ourselves.

Land of the Good is at its core a community space. Our offices and seating arrangements are designed to foster easeful connection and conversation. Our members love to share useful resources, support, and good humor with each other. (If you are a good person trying to do good things, please consider joining our small community)!

Our daily schedule includes the opportunity to share lunch with the children and other parents and community members. Of course, there’s always plenty of tea and coffee to go around.

We also offer community events, many of which are organized and led by our members, (see our Calendar) such as a monthly craft circle, plant-based community potlucks, and enriching classes such as meditation, photo editing, and gardening.

Featured Community Members & Projects